
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

You can reach the world via Google Books

To be frank, I don't sell very many ebooks via Google Books. I give away about 6-10 copies of The Sixth Discipline (free almost everywhere) every month, through Google Books, but it has been a while since I broke double digits on annual sales.

But what's amazing is, where the books go. Through Google Books I have found readers in the US and the UK, but also in Poland, Lesotho, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, the Philippines, New Zealand, Colombia, South Africa, and  Romania. That's amazing!  My words have traveled a lot farther than I ever did.

Monday, October 8, 2018

ALIEN BONDS Price Reduction!

Now that my second Wakanreo book ALIEN VOWS is out, I have reduced the price of ALIEN BONDS to $2.99!  The paperback version has not changed price and is still .$12.99.