Saturday, November 25, 2023
A quick word about Kindle Unlimited
Kindle Unlimited is an Amazon program used by authors to make their books available to Amazon customers for free, once they are paid subscerss. The author is paid from subscriptions (possibly also from Amazon addingfunds togetvKU going) per page read. On my longer books, if the KU subscriber reads the entire book I can actually make more money than if he or she bought it. The drawback is, the ebook can only be available on Amazon.
Since Amazon has a huge share of the ebook market, KU can make sense for self published authors, especially if their books run long. Traditionally published authors really wouldn't benefit because with advertising by the publisher their books sell to a wider audience. A huge percentage of KU books are in the r noomance genre or a subgenre if romance.
if you have any interest in a KU subscription you should check out which books are available through the program; most of my books are.