
Saturday, November 25, 2023

A quick word about Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited is an Amazon program used by authors to make their books available to Amazon customers for free, once they are paid subscerss. The author is paid from subscriptions (possibly also from Amazon addingfunds togetvKU going) per page read. On my longer books, if the KU subscriber reads the entire book I can actually make more money than if he or she bought it. The drawback is, the ebook can only be available on Amazon. Since Amazon has a huge share of the ebook market, KU can make sense for self published authors, especially if their books run long. Traditionally published authors really wouldn't benefit because with advertising by the publisher their books sell to a wider audience. A huge percentage of KU books are in the r noomance genre or a subgenre if romance. if you have any interest in a KU subscription you should check out which books are available through the program; most of my books are.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New Way to Send non-Amazon ebooks to your Kindle

This was reported in a story on The Verge:
QUOTE: Getting a non-Amazon book onto a Kindle used to be a somewhat awkward process, involving attaching it to an email and sending it to your individual Kindle email address. However, Amazon’s Send to Kindle service has improved vastly since then, and it is now a fairly simple process. So, here are the steps The Verge recommends: On the web, go to Amazon’s Send to Kindle page. Drag and drop your file to the large square area, or click on Select files from device and choose the file you want to send. (The maximum file size is 200MB.) There will be a list of supported file types on the page — including PDF, DOCX, and ePub, among others. - end QUOTE.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I Miss Writing

I don't have the energy to write. It seems strange to say that since you write sitting in a chair, which is what I do all day now, but writing takes mental energy, and I'm low on that as well as physical energy.  I am rereading my books, though.

I think my favorites among

my books are The Nameless World duology and the Wakanreo trilogy. I like the Nameless World because it's about family and the Wakanreo trilogy because it's about a relationship that's stressful. 

I have one more book in my head but the manuscript for it needs a lot of work and I don't think I have it in me to do so much revising. 

Oh, least 18 books is something to leave.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

It's been a while

I haven't posted in a long time. That's because in July of 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I have had two surgeries and am still on chemo, and right now I don't have much energy. I have not been able to write since I finished my last published novel Worlds Apartwhich came out in May of 2021. I managed to publish four novels that year: Worlds Apart, Hidden Magic and the Nameless World duology of The North Edge of Nowhere and Oaths and Promises. I still don't know how I did it. 

Unless a medical miracle happens I am unlikely to publish anymore books. I am saving my strength for time with my family. But one of the things I am doing is rereading all of my own books, the ones I wrote and published. Generally, if I enjoy a book the first time, I will often reread it, I find that rereading is a somewhat different experience from reading.

When you read a book the first time, you want to know what happens. When you read a book a second or third time, you already know what happens. That allows you to concentrate on the writing and on the growth of the characters-- how they interact, how they change-- and to spend time with the people in the book as if they were friends. 

I've just started rereading, but so far I enjoy my own books. I write what I like to read, after all, so I'm not surprised. I just finished The Nostalgia Gambit, one of only two novels I wrote in first person, and I quite liked it. First person really lets the author show the true nature of the character-- their values, their personality, their truthfulness. It's all on the page.

So, I'm curled up in a comfy chair with my Kindle and rereading like crazy. Not just my own books. I'm a big fan of Georgette Heyer, who wrote mostly historical romances but also mysteries. I really like her writing and I think she influenced my own writing a great deal. 

Anyway, this explains the long gap between this post and the previous one. I don't know if I'll get back to the blog again, so I'll say now, thanks for reading this, and hopefully for reading some of my books. I'm glad I have them to leave after I'm gone.

I'll get back to my Kindle now. I have 17 books to go.