
Sunday, April 29, 2012

I am guest blogging this week!

Head on over to the Indie Book Blog, and you will see that I am this week's guest blogger with a post called Y is for the Y Chromosome. That blog has run an interesting A-Z writing challenge where each guest blogger had to come up with a theme for a post based on a letter. I picked Y because a) it was one of the few slots left, b) being at the end of the alphabet gave me time to write the post, and c) I planned to write about YA fiction and why I like it.

However, when I started writing, I realized it was trying to describe why I like strawberries; the post was too short and too personal. Ergo, I decided to save the YA post for this blog (in a week or so) and to write instead about writing from the male POV when I am female.  That was much easier to do at length because I could use actual examples from my books, particularly in Tribes, where I attempt to turn gender stereotypes around by having a male character who has been a whore and a female character who has been a warrior.  Neither one is the sum total of his or her past, but they aren't coming from the usual Pretty Woman perspective, either.

Some of the other posts in the alphabet are really interesting, too.  Be sure to check out my favorites, the one on S for space hotel and M is for magic systems. It's a fun blog, and an interesting challenge,

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