
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Where Magic Rules has been loaded to KDP!

I just finished loading the file for the novella into the KDP interface. It's a very easy-to-use interface if you have everything ready; 52Novels does a great job on the conversion, so there were no problems at all, and the book looked great.

I opted to do it as a Kindle Select title, which will be an interesting experience. Since it's a novella instead of a novel, I priced it at 99¢. Being in the Kindle Select program means people who are Amazon Prime members can borrow it, and I am wondering if anyone will. Since they are limited to one free book per month, I am not sure they would bother borrowing a  99¢ novella, but we will see,

Once it's available, I will update the Latest Release box to show that.

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