
Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Sixth Discipline got a mention on Dear Author!

The Dear Author blog is a wonderful site for romance readers and anyone interested in ebooks and digital publishing.  They feature reviews with some of the toughest graders you will find! They give letter grades instead of stars, and it very rare that a book earns more than a B+. The site is well organized and provides lots of info on ereaders in general, news on publishing/reading technology, and even lawsuits, such as their recent in-depth outline of the DoJ case against Apple and the Big 5.

Today their post on good deals in self-published and small press books leads off with a post about The Sixth Discipline being free in many venues.  Color me tickled pink!


  1. I found the Sixth Discipline from the Dear Author mention and then went on to read No Safe Haven. Do you have plans to follow up with another in the series? I felt like you did a great job of writing a satisfying conclusion to each book (no annoying hanging plot threads or cliff hangers), but there are clearly interesting things that are going to happen in the future with these characters now that you've enlarged the cast.

    1. Cathy--

      I'm so happy you liked the stories! I don't say I would never write a third book in the Haven series but I have no immediate plans. If I did, it would most likely involve the second generation-- Christopher and maybe Janis and Robert's future progeny.

      If you like the Haven books, TRIBES is probably a good bet for you. WHERE MAGIC RULES is fantasy and SHADES OF EMPIRE is more R-rated space opera.


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