
Thursday, December 15, 2016

SFR Brigade December Showcase and Giveaway!

I write science fiction and fantasy, and I often include a love story or two in my books. I like to set stories in the far future so that I can create societies and technologies that don't exist, but one reason I like to include romance is that love stories are timeless. There are plenty of other writers who do similar stories. In fact, there's a whole Science Fiction Romance Brigade, and the group is hosting a giveaway. December 15 through 19, just in time for the holidays, a bunch of SFRB authors are offering free books and other stuff, and I am participating.

The book I'm giving away is Saronna's Gift. You can win your choice of a free paperback copy or a free Kindle copy.

What Amazon reviewers have said about Saronna's Gift:

"It’s definitely an interesting SciFi/Romantic storyline. The contrasting backgrounds of both individuals make for a very complex relationship. Not only did I like reading about how Saronna handles her struggles, but also how Duncan handles his struggles as he tries to court her. I give it five stars for creativity because I have never read a SciFi romance set in a future world with the oppression solely based on gender. It’s a very feministic but still romantic storyline. I was definitely not disappointed for another one of Buxton’s books."

"I can probably best express my enjoyment of this book by saying that I was surprised when I came back to write a review and saw that it had 475 pages. I whipped through it so fast that it seemed much shorter."

"I found this book in a fit of disgust over giving up on another book with a weak female lead and an "alpha male" love interest (read: demanding, creepy, controlling). I had searched for "feminist romance paranormal" with very little hope and miraculously, not only did I get results but several! This book was on the top, was offered on kindle unlimited, and looked interesting. It actually gives all of those things. " [nb: this book no longer in Kindle Unlimited]

A brief excerpt to pique your interest:

Science Fiction Romance Brigade

If you're interested in mixing romance with your science fiction (or vice versa), head on over to the SFR Brigade page to see who else is participating and check out what they have to offer. Don't wait! December 19th is the last day.

You must enter to win!

If you want a chance to win a copy of Sarnonna's Gift, just leave a comment below and tell me whether you prefer a Kindle copy or a paperback. If your name is drawn, you will need to provide an email address to receive the Kindle copy, and a US mailing address to win the paperback. I will 3 draw names and give away a total of 3 copies!.

Everyone gets a free book!

If you like a sure thing, you can also check out my free ebook The Sixth Discipline. It's more science fiction than romance, but it does have a sort of slow motion love story. And it's free in most online ebook stores.

Happy Holidays!


  1. Carmen, you're a new-to-me author. If I'm lucky enough to have my name drawn, I'd love a Kindle copy.

    Thanks, and happy holidays!

  2. Hi Carmen, Saronna's Gift sounds wonderful. Happy holidays to you.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Michelle-- You're a winner! Do you want a paperback or a Kindle copy? You can email me the contact info, email address for Kindle copy, and mailing address for paperback. carmen.webster.buxton(at)

  3. Intriguing storyline. Please put me in for the draw. I would like a paperback copy.

    1. Shari-- Congrats! one of the original winners already had a copy, so you won in the second draw! Please send you mailing address to me at camen.webster.buxton(at) and I will send you a paperback copy.

  4. Science fiction with romance is so timeless too, at least for me. All the best science fiction stories are the ones that have romance in them, IMHO. So, having science fiction romance as a genre is certainly fitting. Nice excerpt and if I win anything, I'd like the kindle copy. :)

  5. Very best wishes to you and yours for the Christmas season.

  6. Nice reviews. Happy holidays.

  7. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kaye -- You're a winner! Do you want a paperback or a Kindle copy? You can email me the contact info, email address for Kindle copy, and mailing address for paperback. carmen.webster.buxton(at)

  8. I love the timelessness of romance, especially in science fiction--we can dream of a better world and still touch base with our own humanity and hearts. Have a great holiday season!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Athena-- You're a winner! Do you want a paperback or a Kindle copy? You can email me the contact info, email address for Kindle copy, and mailing address for paperback. carmen.webster.buxton(at)

  9. Interesting background to the story and I enjoyed the excerpt! Happy Holidays!

  10. Very interesting! Happy holidays!
