
Monday, March 11, 2019

TRIBES is now available in paperback and through Kindle Unlmited!

My ThreeCon novel Tribes, which is set on Mariposa, a world started as a penal colony, is now available in paperback! The new cover emphasizes the romance at the core of the story, and as romance readers appear to be the bulk of Kindle Unlimited subscribers, I also pulled the ebook from other platforms so that I could add the book to Kindle Unlimited.

Also, if you buy the paperback from Amazon, the ebook is free through Kindle Matchbook  Here is the buy link for the paperback on Amazon.

I'm also publishing Tribes as a paperback via Nook Press from Barnes & Noble; Here is the pre-order link for B&N.

This makes the seventh title I have in print. When Alien Skies comes out, it will be my 12th ebook and my 8th paperback. It was interesting to use the two different platforms for paperback publishing.  I will soon be updating my blog post comparing the two. 

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