
Monday, March 23, 2020

DRIFTERS is coming out April 14!

I'm happy to announce the upcoming release of a new book, a YA science fiction adventure called Drifters.  The story is set in my ThreeCon universe but there are no characters or events from other books. Here is the blurb:
In the far future, sixteen-year-old Jehan Amato lives on Menkar VII, a colony world only recently rediscovered by the rest of the galaxy. After a run-in with a dangerous gang that wants to exploit his secret psy talent for opening locks without tools, Jehan is sent to live in a Drifter caravan with his estranged father. But though Jehan, who has lived in New Hope City all his life, is initially wary of the nomadic people and their unfamiliar customs, in the caravan he comes to learn things about his family and himself that will change his life forever.
There will be a paperback version, and the ebook version is available for preorder on Kindle. Other ebook vendors will follow soon after I finish the epub work.

Note that Drifters is my first book with Snowy WIngs Publishing, a cooperative venture of many YA authors. I also hope to have a book out later this year with their sister imprint Crimson Fox Publishing. That book will be a fantasy romance; the working title is Bag of Tricks.

Cover reveal for Drifters will be April 1.

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