
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Cover Reveal: WORLDS APART

Worlds Apart is a science fiction romance set on two very different worlds. 

Cover by Najla Qamber

Praxiteles Mercouri, known to his friends as Prax, has spent his whole life on the plains of the planet Celadon. He knows nothing of technology; his nomadic people travel in huge wagons pulled by enormous beasts native to Celadon. His culture is based on clans, duty, and obligation.

Rishi Trahn lives on Subidar, a much more populous world with a much higher level of technology. As the sole survivor of her family, Rishi has inherited a very profitable trading company. On a routine trip to check up on the business, she travels to Celadon.

While sightseeing, Rishi is able to avert a terrible disaster for Prax’s clan. In the ensuing celebration, Rishi overdoes the potent local wine and causes a crisis for the clan she saved. As a result, Prax ends up travelling back to Subidar with her, but he is a man lost in a maze of a foreign culture and unknown technology. In addition, he's keeping a shameful secret. Rishi, meanwhile, feels terrible for taking him away from his people. But not so terrible that she wants to send him back.

Releasing May 4 from Crimson Fox Publishing. Available in paperback and on the Kindle . Pre-order the Kindle book on Amazon now.  See all my titles here.

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