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The Sixth Discipline, a full-length science fiction novel, is completely free in the ebookstores where buy links are listed below.

The Sixth Discipline is science fiction, although some of it reads like fantasy. There is a slow burn love story threaded throughout the plot.

The story:
Ran-Del Jahanpur has spent his entire life in the Sansoussy Forest; he's a hunter and a warrior until one morning when he becomes prey for a hunting party with more advanced technology. He wakes up to what might as well be a different world, a city from which there seems no escape.

From the Amazon reviews: 
 “All the characters are sharply drawn and believable . . . . The final resolutions include Sansoussy rituals and political maneuvering in Shangri-la. Tension is high and the outcome satisfactory. A good read.”

“The characters have some depth and nuance, and nothing is simple and straight forward. Enough subplots are resolved so that this seems like a complete novel, but there are plenty of openings for developing sequels . . . In some ways, in view of the growing economic inequities in the United States, it is a little scary, kind of like reading about the downfall of the Roman Republic.”

This book had me from the beginning. You can really feel like there is such a place. This author has an exceptional way of bringing you into the story and making it very life llike (sic) with conflict that we suffer in today's society. I highly recommend this book. You won't want to put it down.

I liked it enough to go out and buy the sequel. The book kept me interested to the point I was up reading until 2:00 am on a work night.

Kindle store

Note: if your Kindle store is not listed, check it anyway, as it might have changed. Amazon had it free almost everywhere for a while, but then it went back to costing $0.99 or equivalent in some stores.  You can also try clicking the "Tell us about a cheaper price" link to report it as free in iBooks and Nook.  Also see note below about Smashwords.

Other ebook retailers
Nook (Barnes & Noble)
Google Play

For any Kindle owners who don't have access to a free copy in their own Kindle store, note that Smashwords provides non-DRM'd books in many formats including Kindle. You can get a free copy of this book in Kindle format (often called mobi) from them, and sideload it to your Kindle using the USB cable or email delivery. Or if you have a Kindle store but the book isn't free there, you can try clicking the "tell us about a lower price" link to report a free copy on other Amazon sites. I have had a problem with the book being free in a store and then reverting back to costing money, but if you send Amazon the link to the Nook or iBooks version, they should respond by making it free in your Kindle store.