Thursday, August 24, 2017

I'm about to give birth to a new series!

I have a new 3-book series planned. All three books take place in my ThreeCon universe and all are set on the planet Wakanreo, so I'm calling it the Wakanreo series. The first title is called Alien Bonds. I just updated the Coming Soon page to include the back cover blurb. As that update says, this one is a science fiction romance.  Here's a little piece of the cover draft.

The entire premise behind the series is that a culture is affected by what the rules are for couples pairing off. On Wakanreo, the native sentience species doesn't select their mates. The process is purely biological.  When an un-mated adult gets close to someone to the first time, it either happens or it doesn't but it can't be controlled— not to make it happen and not to stop it from happening.

What would a society be like with that kind of mate selection process? As I envision Wakanrean societies, looks would matter a hell of a lot less. Also, there would no real stratification of classes, and no contempt for people in menial positions. And since there is no control over mating, there is also no shame over it, regardless of who it happens with.

On the other hand, what happens when the person you mate with is a thief or a murderer? What if you're bound for life to someone who doesn't respect you or just plain doesn't like you? So much for happily ever after. Imagine what that would do to fairy tales, ballads, great literature?

The second book will be called Alien Vows, and the third Alien Skies. I have a rough draft of Books 2 and 3, but they both need a lot of work. Book 1, though, is getting close! The cover is almost ready, too.

I feel like I should go buy some candy cigars to hand out.

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